Thursday, December 21, 2006


Wolf Eyes
Human Animal

(Sub Pop)

Naturally, most consider music to be melodic, structured, and maybe even vaguely reminiscent of something else. Pop music has been marketed and ingrained in our minds as something consumable and perfected – something that we can easily put our finger on. So what would an “I-like-all-types-of-music-oh-yeah-except-country” fan seriously think of the blood-soaked and brutally punishing Wolf Eyes? There’s no justifying their music, it’s not for Sunday morning, it’s not for rainy afternoons – it’s for deep night, 3 am, maybe lying in a coffin, maybe considering the possibility of a killing spree. It’s music taken to a completely illogical extreme, stripped of melody, and unbelievably terrifying. Metal ducts are banged, saxophones are strangled like innocent victims, electronics malfunction. Put on Human Animal and you can’t hide. You can shut your eyes, clog your ears with tissues, but it’ll creep into your pores, penetrate the ear plugs, and completely obliterate every conception about formalized, sellable music you’ve ever considered.

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