Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hot Town, Summer in the City

Beck - "Black Tambourine": How damn good is this song. (Not a question.) "Whoa, oah, oah, oah. Black Tambourine."

Start it with a junky, dark bass and those floppy ass, lazy drums. The whole time it feels like they're a half-step outta place, trying to catch up, but too busy looking around as this car drives on.

Beck doesn't do the white-boy rap here. Naw, boy, this shit some R&B crossover jawhn. He kinda sings this one rather than doing that outta tune one he tends to do for us frat guys chuggin' Beast and hi-fiving. And its a simple, funky-ass line too -- my man ain't bothered by none of it. That melody eases down like a sunny day about to end, but badass like, dressed in leather and tight ass jeans and smokin butts and MOVIN', brah.

Then slide in that funky trem geetar and let outta James Brown "Heh!" Boogeying with the rubbery leggs, we keep this shit sweaty.

"My tambourine is still shaking." Always was.


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