Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Down to 60. Tough stuff. Couple of notes:

First, I forgot how damn good this Feist record is. I mean, it's kind of gotten tons of rubbernecking bloggers backlashing the crap out of it. Be aware -- to discount a record because it's available in Starbucks and in an iPod commercial makes no sense. She's got a beautiful voice, writes great songs and has created a great sense of space in her songs. In no way is this record pedestrian.

Second, the Klaxons. For a bunch of young Brit kids riding a mountain of hype, they put together a pretty great little rock record. Yeah, it's got missteps that any underdeveloped young band might have, but "Golden Skans", "Gravity's Rainbow" and "Atlantis to Interzone" still sound good half a year or so later and hit on a fun wordy and jumpy rock sound. (Not on the list anymore.)

Third, Enon's Grass Geysers...Carbon Clouds is pretty excellent. I missed this band the last couple of years. John Schmersal is a fantastic songwriter. They've stripped all the fancy yet inconsequential electronics focusing on their core guitar-bass-drums line up. Suits them very well. Also good to see that even though they're getting older they still pick up steam and jitter like hottwired teens.

Finally, No Age. Yes, really great.

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